Online Violin Lesson 視像小提琴課堂🎻
(Individual 0r Group 個人或小組)
Past Organized Online Event: 🎻
為了達到最佳效果, we use Professional Equipment 專業設備:
Computer 電腦:💻MacBook Pro, IPad Pro, DPA mic, Focusrite (interface) and a High-speed internet for smooth video and less sound delay
Internet use "wired" connect to the modem is better than Wi-Fi if possible
MacBook Pro連接iPad Pro直接分享樂譜和jot notes, 也可以分享影片、YouTube等… 亦可以加插一些sticker和(instant sound effects) 聲效,增加課堂趣味性。
Zoom setting in Computer
學生用一個device也可以了,zoom audio setting 方面記得用original sound
Zoom setting in mobile device(s)
學生可考慮買一套V8 sound card連mic set
因為價錢十分便宜,也可以用來錄音,安裝和接駁方便,可適用於電腦、平板電腦例如iPad或Android or iPhone 電話都得。收音效果比用本身device內置既microphone收得更好。可看看影片了解更多。
Pt Violin Studio以批發價幫忙訂購,若有興趣,可致電、WhatsApp/signal/email查詢。
The online class is suitable for a short period of time (1 to 6 months) learning. For example, focus on special techniques like right-hand bow control exercise, scale practice, shifting exercise. Even can take one masterclass for the exam or competition, have clear explanation and demonstration.
Thanks for your support!❤️
Learning would not be affected and we should overcome it ~💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻